Howdy again compadres.
The accumulated ass time I've been experiencing here is becoming old very quick.
Even from someone as genetically and predisposed to a life of Riley as myself. Who the hell was Riley, and why am I so envious of "The Life of Said Vagabond"?
Were we in fact related, or is this just wishful thinking on my part? I did have an uncle with whom my aunts claimed suffered from an extreme case of lazyassinitis, more often than not brought on by an acute form of hungoverassinitis. Damn the medical community and all their fancy terminology.
I don't recall however, my uncle ever complaining about his flareups with said affliction, as much as they seemed to annoy my aunts. Brave soul that he was I'm sure he preferred to suffer in silence. It is the way of our people.
Anyway back to Alva, OK. and my situation. God knows I'm sure you're all on the edge of your collective seats to garner any, and all things newsworthy from the continental bible belt. So here is what I have been able to ascertain thus far.
Firstly: God is still,if not alive, well and seems to enjoy the company of the Alvanians, (their word not mine) of Oklahoma. So much so that the town has dedicated an entire stretch of asphalt, (about six blocks worth), to the mutual adoration enjoyed by both parties. This stretch is appropriately refered to as Church Street, with the largest, and most prestigious real estate belonging to the Catholics. WOO...HOO...way to go team. This is not an easy task I'm sure given we are in a Baptist, Methodronian, (my word not theirs) landscape. I'm sure we just have a better booster club.
Second: Rodeo is the king of sports here. I'm not sure of the logistics of rodeoing,as it pertains to the getting to and from the rodeoing venues, having never tried to stuff a horse in my hockey bag, but I'm sure they have it figured out.
Thirdly: As with all farming communities, the pace of life is dictated almost solely by mother nature with her regards to the weather. When it rains we sit, and when we can work we run. All things being equal it is not a bad way to live. It is however somewhat troublesome to a self proclaimed, (and others I'm sure) control freak. Perseveer I must. There is light ahead, and I am drawn to my goals like a duck on a junebug. Unless of course I am come over by a sudden attack of lazyassinitis.
Oh, the days must be REALLY long and I can tell much fun is being had. Peeping at the locals could get you into trouble with the local coppers since you are from another country, you know. So make sure you go to confession & do all your pennance(sp?) and dont wear your bicycle shorts out in public...in fact it might be time to toss those shorts and invest in a style that is more, how shall I say, flattering? Cheers! g
Yes, indeedy, the cowboy boots with the cycle shorts especially when you stop somewhere in Texas for 'grub' or 'gruel' or 'grits'...btw...I have already purchased 5 pair of very stylish and fun socks for my gym ensemble. g
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