I just love beans. I l like the way the look in the pot, I like the way they smell when they're cooking, I even at times marvel at the their ability to turn themselves into an entire orchestra after their digestion. Decorum and personal discretion must always be observed during these legumic symphony's however, and may often be best enjoyed in a solo environment. A certain degree of apre's frijole planning may be necessary.
The history of the lowly frijole is a diverse one, and can be traced to Egyptian kings.
Some were even buried with their stash of the unassuming legume. Imagine that...waking up in the afterlife and the first thing you want is a big bowl of beans. Damn the torpedos, bring me my beans.
For me however the most admirable quality the bean has, is it's compassionate touch. Beans have been easing the pangs of hunger worldwide for centurys. From the single mom in urban areas, to the backwaters of peasant life that unfortunately plague our world, the bean always delivered it's goodness without having lofty ambitions so often found in other basic sustenance food products. You know who I'm talking about Mr. Mais. Limelight stealing, overrated food product that you are. No the frijole isn't in it for the glory. The bean merely delivers nutrient, protein, vitamins and minerals without all the hoopala that the headline grabbing corn and flour are after. How often have we seen on CNN, the sacks of corn and flour being unloaded in some war torn region of the globe, or being spooned out in some famine struck area of a hopeless country.
And where was the bean in all the chaos and camera work? Quietly And without fanfare, the bean would set out upon the business at hand. Feeding the masses.
So take a bow Senor Frijole. On behalf of the downtrodden, the hungry, the food aficionado's, and from the Hobos that ride the rails in search of better times, to homeless persons everywhere, we salute you.
Long live the the bean, the frijole, the magical fruit. If ever a food group deserved sainthood it would surely be thee.
St. Frijole of the Blessed Impoverished
Mmmmm...that pot o' beans looks really good and I enjoyed your prose....UNTIL, you spoke of you-know-what. Had me there for a moment but I guess in every grown man there is still the raging adolescent boy. Dear God, please deliver me from this evil...
your pal, g
Beautiful pot of beans. Makes me hungry for some.
But I thought beans were the musical fruit not magical. .
Beans, beans, the musical fruit.
The more you eat, the more you toot.
The more you toot, the better you feel.
So eat more beans with every meal!
Beans, beans, good for your heart.
the more you eat, the more you fart.
The more you fart, the better you feel...
beans, beans, for every meal!
Beans are great. If everyone ate a serving or two of beans a day, (legumes)with all the fiber, there would be a lot less obesity, diabetes, heart disease. Guess that is just too simple. Rather pay for drugs and poor health.
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